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About a month or so ago I came across a user on Instagram called dybrkr. I was intrigued by this account, as all of their pictures look like party after party, (and I do love a party) and their bio line is, "Daybreaker is a morning movement that will start your day off unlike anything else." After scrolling their pictures I realized this is essentially an early morning weekday dance party and yoga session and it looked totally amazing. Who wouldn't want to start their workday off with a dance party?! Luckily there was an upcoming sunrise party in DC, so my #artsniffer friend, Hannah, and I got tickets.

The Daybreaker morning party took place at Flash starting at 6am for the yoga session, followed by the dance party from 7-9am. We skipped the yoga session and only attended the dance party which entailed a club-like feel with a DJ blaring jams and dancing fueled by cold brew from La Colombe. People were fully participating in the dance party with numerous dance circles and there was an MC shouting out inspiring wisdom and wishing the crowd peace, love, and positive energy for the day. It was definitely an experience in itself- and a good one. I left full of positive energy and light to take on the day.

Sunrise dance party at 7am

The next Daybreaker event is this Friday, October 30 at the Rock and Roll Hotel DC with a Halloween theme of Mischief Manor. Tickets start at $20 and are available here, along with more detailed information. Follow Daybreaker on Instagram and Facebook for more upcoming events and info!

Daybreaker Outfit Details:

Samantha Jones Shirt: Clashist

Hatha Capri Legging: Lucy

Chuch Taylor All Star High Tops: Converse

Crossbody Disco Bag: Gucci


Blonde in the District

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